Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Yes, it's been a slow month at work.  Here's another superficial look at another combat character.  I'm finding that each of these builds forces me to look at a different set of feat chains, and today it's charging stuff.  Now that I'm actually trying to piece together attack strategies, mounted combat is actually rather confusing.  For example, regarding a maneuver like overrun, do both rider and mount need the related feats to avoid attacks of opportunity?  If the mount has it, is the target allowed to attack the PC?  Even though it's technically the mount doing the overrun?  Can the mount take Improved Overrun and the PC take Greater Overrun and have the mount's overrun action technically also qualify as the PC's?  I'm sure this is answered somewhere on the web, but my search capability is currently limited.

Is it the horse doing the overrun, or is it the rider's action spurring the horse onward as his mobile platform?  Can the PC use his CMB in that case?

If you charge with your horse with a lance, you have reach, so you *have* to attack from 10' away.  But your horse only has reach 5'.  Can a horse not attack as part of your combined charge action?  Or do you get the lance in first and the horse continues movement to melee range if desired?

Greater Overrun causes the target to provoke AoO upon going prone.  Does that include the rider who just knocked him down?  And the mount?  If so, does the lance reach prevent the rider from making an attack the moment the AoO is declared, while target, mount, and horse all occupy the same square?

For now, I'm operating under the following assumptions, in order of ascending uncertainty:
1) Rider and mount get independent AoO eligibility.
2) Overrun can be done in addition to charge attacks ("as part of a charge")
3) Overrun while charging allows horse/rider to continue moving after the charge attack when Ride-By Attack is utilized.

4) If Trample is eventually taken, that extra mount attack would be in addition to the charge attacks and the AoOs.
5) Greater Overrun prone provokes AoO from both rider and mount, in addition to the charge attacks
6) The mount is the one using his CMB for combat maneuvers, but with feat bonuses from the rider.

7) The rider (PC) utilizes the appropriate maneuver feats, and they apply to both rider and mount while together. The mount doesn't require the feats unless the PC has dismounted and the horse still wants to trample things.
8) Rider and mount attack actions don't need to resolve at the same time, in order to accomodate reach complications.  The rider can attack from 10' away while the mount is continuing to move into 5' range, and then the mount can attack.  The rider can also resolve any overrun AoO while moving away from the occupied square, to accomodate reach.  Alternatively, the rider could be considered to be attacking from the back square, while the mount attacks from the front square. 

If anybody with greater knowledge or understanding of mounted combat rules wants to clarify or correct anything I've typed, please feel free.

Class: Cavalier 6
Order: of the Lion
Race: Human

Str: 20 (17) [13]
Dex:  13 [3]
Con: 13 [3]
Int: 13 [3]
Wis: 8 [-2]
Cha: 14 [5]

Gear: +1 lance, +1 full plate, +1 heavy shield
Horse gear: +1 breastplate barding (medium)

H1:  Power Attack
L1:  Improved Overrun
C1:  Paired Opportunists (or maybe Coordinated Maneuvers)
L3:  Mounted Combat
L5:  Ride-By Attack
C6:  Spirited Charge
E7:  Greater Overrun

Concept:  Cavalier focuses on setting up mounted charge situations, stacks up on associated overrun feats.  When making a charge, he gets his main charge attack (at a x3 multiplier), his horse gets a primary bite attack, then overrun resolves.  If successful, target may be knocked prone, which triggers AoOs from both PC and horse at normal multipliers (at +4 bonus because target is prone, but not the +4 from charging because the charge attack has already been resolved.  This can improve to +8 if the PC uses his Tactician ability to share his teamwork feat with the horse.).

Horse companion:

Str: 20
Dex: 15
Con: 17
Int: 3
Wis: 12
Cha: 6

Special qualities/abilities:  Scent, low light vision, combat trained, light armor proficiency, medium armor proficiency (feat), link, evasion, devotion

H1:  Medium Armor Proficiency
H2:  Combat Reflexes
H5:  Bodyguard

Concept:  Not having to take the overrun feats allows him to stack up on offensive or defensive options instead.  Here, I've used his one free bonus stat point to give him a 3 int, which lets him choose freely from all feats he qualifies for.  Bodyguard lets the mount use an AoO for a defensive aid-another whenever the rider is targeted by an attack, which gives the rider up to two attacks at an almost automatic +2 AC.  If he continues to get feats as PCs do in the E6 environment, he can continue into dodge, mobility, and improved natural armor for self-defense.

Cavalier hit:
5 str
1 weapon enhancement
1 higher ground (against medium and smaller creatures)
1 morale (Banner ability)
-2 power attack
= +12

Optional hit:
+4 charge
+4 AoO
+1 competence (Lion's Call)

Cavalier damage:
7 str
6 power attack
1 weapon enhancement
= +14

Optional damage:
+6 challenge

Cavalier AC:
10 base
9 armor
1 armor enhancement
1 dex
2 shield
1 shield enhancement
2 bodyguard bonus
(2 dodge vs challenge target, -2 vs non-challenged targets)
= 26 (28/24)

Horse hit:
5 str + 4 BAB + 1 morale (banner) = +10
+12 on charge
Additional +1 competence during Lion's Call

Horse damage:  5 str

Horse AC:
10 base
6 armor
2 dex
8 natural armor
= 26 (24 on charge)

Full attack line:  +12/+7 [1d8+14] lance
                              +10 [1d4+5] bite
                                +5 [1d6+2] hoof
                                +5 [1d6+2] hoof

Charge:  +16 [3d8+42] lance
              +12 [1d4+5] bite

Charge + challenge:  +16 [3d8+60] lance
                                +12 [1d4+5] bite

Charge + successful overrun knockdown:
+16 [3d8+42] lance

+12 [1d4+5] bite
+14 CMB overrun
+16(20) [1d8+14] lance
+14(18) [1d4+5] bite

Charge + overrun + challenge:
+16 [3d8+60] lance

+12 [1d4+5] bite
+14 CMB overrun
+16(20) [1d8+20] lance
+14(18) [1d4+5] bite

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